Sphinx extension

Frigate can also automatically document your Helm charts right in your Sphinx documentation.


extensions = ['frigate.sphinx.ext']
  • Now you can use the frigate directive wherever you wish in your documentation.
.. frigate:: path/to/your/helm/chart


Frigate paths are relative to the root of your documentation.


The following was autogenerated from the rich nginx example chart in Frigate’s test suite.


A rich nginx Helm chart example.

This is the default chart created with helm create nginx. Descriptions have then been added to all items in values.yaml and a .frigate.jinja2 template has been included to enrich it.

Frigate has then been used to generate both the README.rst in that directory as well as the example in the Sphinx docs.

Generating the README.rst

$ frigate gen ../frigate/tests/mockcharts/rich > ../frigate/tests/mockcharts/rich/README.rst

Sphinx docs directive

.. frigate:: ../frigate/tests/mockcharts/rich


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Rich chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of nginx pod replicas to create 1
image.repository Docker image name "nginx"
image.tag Docke rimage label "stable"
image.pullPolicy Kubernetes pull policy "IfNotPresent"
imagePullSecrets Secrets to use for docker registry credentials []
nameOverride Override the name of the application ""
fullnameOverride Override the name of the chart ""
service.type Nginx service type, could be ‘clusterip’, ‘loadbalancer’ or ‘nodeport’ "ClusterIP"
service.port Port to serve on the internal service 80
ingress.enabled Enable the ingress false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.hosts Hostnames for ingresses and which service paths they should map to [{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": []}]
ingress.tls Tls secrets and which hosts they should be used for []
resources Resource limits and requests {}
nodeSelector Node selector config for the nginx pods {}
tolerations Tolarations for the nginx pods []
affinity Node affinities/antiaffinities for the nginx pods {}


It is also possible to include a footnotes section which is placed after the parameters table in your documentation.

This is a good location for information which you want to include but may not be of primary interest to users.

Documentation generated by Frigate.

This is an example of a rich chart.