Frigate =================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: customizing cli sphinx pre-commit-hook Frigate is a tool for automatically generating documentation for your `Helm charts`_. .. _`Helm charts`: It will use the chart's ``Chart.yaml`` and ``values.yaml`` files in order to generate the content in a markup language of your choice. Features -------- - Render documentation from your ``Chart.yaml`` and ``values.yaml`` files. - Supports outputting as markdown, reStructuredText and HTML. - Sphinx extension for including in Python documentation. Installation ------------ .. code-block:: console $ pip install frigate Example --------- Create an example ``hello-world`` Helm chart with ``helm create``. .. code-block:: console $ helm create hello-world Creating hello-world Run Frigate to generate markdown documentation for your new ``hello-world`` chart. .. code-block:: console $ frigate gen hello-world Simple =========== A Helm chart for Kubernetes ## Configuration The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Simple chart and their default values. | Parameter | Description | Default | | ------------------------ | ----------------------- | -------------- | | `replicaCount` | | `1` | | `image.repository` | | `"nginx"` | | `image.tag` | | `"stable"` | | `image.pullPolicy` | | `"IfNotPresent"` | | `imagePullSecrets` | | `[]` | | `nameOverride` | | `""` | | `fullnameOverride` | | `""` | | `service.type` | | `"ClusterIP"` | | `service.port` | | `80` | | `ingress.enabled` | | `false` | | `ingress.annotations` | | `{}` | | `ingress.hosts` | | `[{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": []}]` | | `ingress.tls` | | `[]` | | `resources` | | `{}` | | `nodeSelector` | | `{}` | | `tolerations` | | `[]` | | `affinity` | | `{}` | --- _Documentation generated by [Frigate]( Your documentation will be piped into your stdout. You could redirect this into a file like ````. .. code-block:: console $ frigate gen hello-world >